As a perspective shifter, I teach my clients how to flip the script! Change the narrative. Look at things from an entirely new angle. When we are “stuck” in the only story that we are familiar with, it’s hard to see that your “Happily EVEN After” is waiting for you in the NEXT book. The...


As a perspective shifter, I teach that pain is our greatest ally. It’s in our darkest moments that we are forced to seek the light. It’s in the adversity, that we have the opportunity to wake up and take a different path. I feel that this time in history is a collective wake up call...


As a perspective shifter, I teach that we are the sum and substance of everything that we’ve ever experienced. Everything is simply “information gathering” and a stepping stone for the next thing. Therefore our life will invariably be filled with closed doors, road blocks, detours and rollercoasters. These are designed to help us expand and...


As a perspective shifter, I teach that life is never happening TO us but rather FOR US. I encourage my clients to look for their own personal message within the crisis. The GIFT ?. I see our current situation as a collective opportunity for rest, recalibration, connectivity and creativity! I see the beauty underneath, through...


As a Life Coach, I often encounter clients who prefer to remain invisible then to step into the spotlight. While their fear of exposure keeps them safe, it also limits their full creating potential. There’s a deep level of vulnerability in speaking your mind, challenging someone else’s ideas or suggesting a new concept. I fully...


Life either shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. I spoke to many of my clients this week about making choices that make them feel like “MORE of them”. And for us to expand and grow and become MORE, we must walk through fear. I teach that FEAR and EXCITEMENT trigger the exact same...


  As a Spiritual Teacher, one of the most powerful exercises that I teach my clients is mirror affirmations. Our eyes are the gateway to the soul. And our words matter… because we’re listening! So yes… gather information from the greats! Be inspired by those who have what you want! And remain teachable for new...