As a perspective shifter, I teach that life is never happening TO us but rather FOR US. I encourage my clients to look for their own personal message within the crisis. The GIFT ?. I see our current situation as a collective opportunity for rest, recalibration, connectivity and creativity! I see the beauty underneath, through and beyond the fear. I see a worldwide mindfulness moment being handed to us on a silver platter… if we choose to take it. What if we became beneficiaries of this introspective “Q” (Quality > Quarantine) time ?

Life is a blank page waiting for our story to unfold. Now that we have some extra time on our hands, consider how you want this unusual chapter to read. I’ll go first ??

?more distant healings for clients ??‍♀️????‍♂️
?doing a puzzle thats been on my counter since September
?trying new recipes (I made cornbread last night ??‍♀️)
?full family dinners where no ones rushing anywhere
?cleaning out my closet
?more time to write my book
?more nature walks
?more cuddle time on the couch (a rarity for me)
?house projects that have been ignored