As a perspective shifter, I teach that pain is our greatest ally. It’s in our darkest moments that we are forced to seek the light. It’s in the adversity, that we have the opportunity to wake up and take a different path. I feel that this time in history is a collective wake up call of universal proportions. A filtration system of sorts, begging the question….”What was working before? What wasn’t? Where was I operating on auto-pilot because I was too busy to stop and check in with myself?” ? Perhaps this pandemic IS the bridge for a future reality that’s more in alignment with your values….your truth…your happiness! What you deserve ?? What will you create that awaits you on the other side of that bridge?

Typically, when a single soul is navigating their own personal crisis, they tend to feel alone…. as if no one understands. In this instance, EVERYONE understands. Few words need to be spoken, yet people are communicating in ways that they rarely made time for before. It’s truly beautiful to witness the love, connection and understanding during this moment in time. We are individually and collectively learning new ways to show up! What do you appreciate more NOW, than you did a few weeks ago? I’ll go first! ??

??‍♀️ I would have to say my every day stuff! My home, whereby “safe place” has been given an upgraded meaning. My family! I loved them before but we have a new unified bond through this experience. My office! Although I continue to coach people virtually and facilitate distant healings, I miss my little purple healing space where transformation and miracles take place. ???‍♀️???. I also miss hugging my friends… not that I took that for granted before, but I certainly can’t wait for the big HUG-FEST that awaits me/us on the other side of that bridge ??????