As a Life Coach, I often encounter clients who prefer to remain invisible then to step into the spotlight. While their fear of exposure keeps them safe, it also limits their full creating potential. There’s a deep level of vulnerability in speaking your mind, challenging someone else’s ideas or suggesting a new concept. I fully understand this challenge because I’ve been there too. My teachings on this subject are an expression of my own personal journey of resistance to exposure. My whole life I avoided confrontation, rocking the boat and inviting criticism and judgement! If I just keep my mouth shut and nod politely everyone will like me and all will be well in the world ?. In my avoidance, I also abandoned my true nature, my true purpose and myself. Today the risk is far outweighed by the reward! Today I choose me. Not everyone’s gonna like me and that’s ok. ☺️

Where are you playing it safe? Or better yet….what can you do today to live boldly? I’ll go first ??

??‍♀️ Yesterday, during an inspiring lunch with two earth angels, Cindy Teeto and Christine Lewis, I was convinced that as a healer and a spiritual teacher that it’s my “obligation“ to help as many people as I can. That means… EXPOSURE! ? Posted our first Tic Tok ?