As a Life Coach, I teach my clients that their discomfort is never about what’s going on, but rather what they THINK about what’s going on that creates their dis-ease. While you are not your thoughts…. thoughts become things and as soon as you’ve attached an emotion to it, you’re down for the count.

As humans we have 50,000-70,000 thoughts a day, on average. I train people to become a witness to these thoughts rather than an active participant. Let them come and go like clouds in the sky. Because as soon as you pull one to the forefront, entertain it and infuse feelings….you have placed yourself on the firing line ready to discharge either bullets or hearts.

YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR REALITY! So ask yourself….is this where I want to focus my energy today? Is this what I want my day to look like? Are these thoughts aiding me on my journey to get where I want to go or are they pulling me off course? If you’re feeling disturbed, unsettled or disempowered, ask yourself those simple questions. If your thoughts are not in alignment with your own core values, you have allowed OTHER people’s energy and beliefs to influence your inner world. That’s not on them…..that’s on you.

Change your thoughts, change your mind, change your reality and start now! If you are willing to choose only kind, necessary and true thoughts today, gimme a ??‍♀️.