As a Life Coach I help my clients identify their big goals. The very thought of all that work can make anyone want to throw in the towel and give up hope! After all, if big goals were accomplished overnight, no one would ever be challenged to dig deep, persevere and bask in the glory of their achievements. There would be no personal development, no improvement and no sense of satisfaction. Isn’t that the very reason we came here?

Rather than living every day on repeat, what if you approached each 24 hours as an opportunity to become a better version of yourself? Goals play a critical role in how we view our lives and ourselves. They help us uncover strengths we never knew we had. Your dreams are reality-in-the-making, but not without vision, momentum and deadlines. I have my clients break that one big goal into two sub goals, that are backed up by 10 baby steps. Before they know it, they can see it, hear it and taste it which makes the end result manageable. When you can look back on the accumulated hours and mini accomplishments, you are well on your way to fulfillment. We have limited time here on earth! Set a goal, take a baby step and live today on purpose.

What are you doing TODAY, towards a bigger goal? I’ll go first ??

??‍♀️ Today I am attending a continuing education workshop so that I can be a greater service to myself and my clients.