As a Master Perspective Shifter, I spend my days encouraging new clients to EMBRACE their pain. That’s right! Celebrate the hurt, the despair and the hopelessness. Because without it, nothing would ever change. Profound difficulties in our life can end up being the very springboard for the best things that have ever happened to us. Those annoyances, roadblocks and detours are all redirecting us to where we’re supposed to be. And those heartaches, losses and devastations bust our hearts wide open…and that’s how the light get in. So the next time you’re suffering, perhaps you can ask yourself if you were due for an upgrade. ?

Most people adopt the eat, work, sleep, repeat lifestyle without ever really delving deeper…. without seeing who they are underneath the hats they wear and the characters they play. Typically, when faced with adversity, we break down…and so do those walls around us. THEN, in that vulnerability, we can truly see who we are and what we’re made of. It’s in that unchartered territory that we acquire a new vantage point, a new set of eyes and greater sense of clarity moving forward.

I believe that the greatest gifts are often disguised in life’s challenges. My motto is…sit in the challenge, observe, embrace….but don’t unpack your bags there. Rather, use your energy to search for the gift! When did you feel you had been buried and then realized you had actually been planted? Tell me your BLOOM story! “I’ll go first ??

??‍♀️ In 2009, I was anxiety ridden…my life was pure chaos and I had debilitating physical pain. After a difficult journey of self discovery, I realized that not only had I been planted, but that my purpose was to spread those seeds around to others who were in a dark place. I’ve now made my career out of that very mission ? ?‍♂️ ✨ ✨ ✨