As a Life Coach I often encounter clients with lack of confidence and self worth. Somewhere along the line they absorbed the notion that they weren’t enough…that they had to become (fill in the blank). And in order to accomplish that, they needed to acquire (fill in the blank). This self-defeating mindset sent them on an unrealistic mission to find themselves OUT THERE! Just one more self help book, just one more masterclass, just one more visit to the astrologer! Until you realize that all OUTlets are only pointing back INward…..your quest for “more” will remain. That lack, that void, that bottomless hole… cannot be filled with more information. That emptiness that’s crying for more, can only be filled by you.

I’ve made a career out of helping others recognize their unique value. Everyone’s got a gift that’s ready to be unwrapped and presented to the world! Classes and degrees and certifications are not only admirable but necessary depending on your line of work. The rest must come from your solar plexus! ☀️ Before you sign up for that next course, buy that next book or start that next fad diet, ask yourself why you’re not shining your light onto the world RIGHT NOW! Let today be the day you OWN who you are, in this moment, AS IS! Tell me what makes you unique! I’ll go first ??

??‍♀️My ability to see the positive in EVERY.SINGLE.SITUATION! While I recognize what things “look” like, I can also see beyond, through and underneath to spot the hidden gift ?.