Andrea F.
When Beth opens her door, it doesn’t matter the look on my face, hers is always a welcoming smile. Her space is calm, soft, peaceful, slightly fragrant, purple. I sit on her white leather couch and she starts with a stop, guiding me through a few moments of peace, to breathe, to meditate, to cry, to ‘ground’. Beth’s profound kindness and other-worldly intuition somehow creates space to allow it to happen. And then, whatever happens in that room is magic. Our session often ends as I peacefully lie on her warmed crystal chakra mat, listening to soft background music. Beth practices Reiki, and slowly moves her crystal over my chakras. This is my favorite part, because no matter what has just happened in that room, Beth wondrously clears and balances me so that I can peacefully walk out her door. My wish is for everyone to find their Beth. ~ Andrea F.